Thursday, August 5, 2010

A conversation

This is something I wrote for my Institute's Annual Magazine. I don't know how it got selected for publication.

Once, while talking
to my cousin,
I was asking her
question after question. (1)

On why as we
grow older and older,
We separate and
go farther and farther. (2)

Sitting together
and having some fun,
Like chasing the rays
of the bright sun. (3)

Going to the hill
and fishing in the river,
Lighting a bonfire
in a chilling winter. (4)

For all the things
that are missed,
Getting older
should be abolished. (5)

Then I said,
"You know my sister!
Someone is happy
with this feature." (6)

"Who is he?"
She enquired.
"It's none other than mobile."
I replied. (7)

"Though you and me,
it connects.
But in return
a lot it takes." (8)

"It squanders our money,
disturbs our sleep.
Its tring tring takes away
our mental peace." (9)

She laughed and said,
"Oh! Yes my dear,
My friends stick to it
without any fear." (10)

"They talk throughout the day,
and it continues in the night.
I am getting sick of it,
Please show some light."(11)

I said, " I'm in the same boat
can't show you light.
Here's the same scene,
nothing seems so bright." (12)

Just by then,
my night pack expired.
I stopped conversation
And wished her Good night. (13)


Rakesh KumaR Majhi said...

Dont u know that ur institute is a faltoo one?? So all faltooo things and people get selected in it !!!

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