Saturday, July 3, 2010

Questions to think for

This summer vacation has given me enough free time to think a lot of weird but logical stuffs which needs a bit of thinking before jumping to answer. I am listing some of those questions.....

1/ Current Affairs- If black box- the data recorder device (for those who labours to read or see or listen News) of the plane is indestructible even after plane crash then why not make the whole plane out of same substance???

2/ Biology-How do Porcupines mate? Carefully or unsuccessfully? Is becoming rare has anything to do with this?

3/ Physics- If your Ferrari going at the speed of light, what will happen if you turn on the headlights?

4/ Chemistry- The modern cooking pan is coated with TEFLON so that nothing will stick to it. But how do they make TEFLON stick to the pan??

5/ Common Sense- Can we cry under water??

6/ Word riddle- Is the word "kidnapping" originated from "kid napping"?

7/ Literature- If London Bridge is standing why is there a song about it falling down?

8/ Astronomy- Is it possible to have EARTHquakes in Mars?

9/ Mythology- We sometimes say to others " go to hell."
Where do people in Hell tell other people to go?

10/ Cartoon- Winnie the Pooh does not seem to have fur on his body which makes him very cute indeed. But then why doesn't Winnie the Pooh ever get stung by the bees he messes with?

11/ Sociology- Why the hell a boy standing/walking next to a beautiful girl in market has to be her boy friend not her brother?

There's more but I can't remember right now. So keep thinking......


Barsha said...

This one is absolutely awesome!! Loved the questions for Biology, Physics n Mythology!! Bravo Boy!! Kudos!!

Unknown said...

1/ Current Affairs- Black boxes can afford an impact of 3400 g and temperatures of over 1,000 °C (simple wiki knowledge). While u r riding a motor cycle, why d hell u don’t put a cover of same material all over ur body which makes hell mate. Come on there r some criteria 2 fly a plane in d sky! If a material (EUROCAE ED-112 recommended) comes in market and fulfills all d criteria 2 fly, I ‘ll let u know!
2/ Biology- Porcupines mate neither carefully(obviously they take care how much it’s exactly required) nor unsuccessfully! They mate naturally! By d way I don’t know their matting time, otherwise I could recommend you 2 go and check it out!
3/ Physics- It’s an old unsolved paradox of relativity, in this case the equation is 1+1=1(?!)
4/ Chemistry- oh! It's a spacial kind of coating. Give a google search. R u going to open a fry pan company?
5/ Common Sense- I ‘ll try it & let u know, in d mean time why d hell sudn’t u try?
6/ Word riddle- that’s really I don’t know! May be kidnapping started with kids!
7/ Literature- u know some times **** happens without any precaution, so it may b a precaution!
8/ Astronomy- Hmm!... Yahhh!…. Literary possible but not in that sense in which d question arises in your mind!
9/ Mythology- “Go to earth”! just believe in me!
10/ Cartoon- Just imagine a picture of Pooh having minimum 5cm long hairs covering it’s body; u ‘ll get ur answer!
11/ Sociology- Who told you this “has 2 b” kind of thing? This is you, who always thinks in this way(-ve way). This is your personal view, no comments.

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